Matthias Waber

Matthias Waber

Founder and Managing Director

intelligence and security related solutions


Founder and Managing Director of MuninIntelligence GmbH is Matthias Waber who has worked for over a decade providing specialist intelligence and security related solutions and services to various authorities, including military and police.

The original company was founded in 2007 as a sole proprietorship, Waber WM Security and Investigation. MuninIntelligence was successfully established in 2015 as a second sole proprietorship and by 2019 both companies merged into the present entity MuninIntelligence GmbH.

All employees have a longtime institutional experience. Continiously trainings and contact care inside the country and in foreign countries. All trainings and exercises can be evidenced by certificate

Contact and questioning us, it will be our pleasure to advice you. Doesn`t matter what`s the point, we help shortly, competent and discreet, because our profession is a matter ot trust.